All posts by: Kenneth Sørensen

About Kenneth Sørensen

Biopesticides Europe 2024: Join us in Barcelona!

We are thrilled to announce that our Sales Manager, Alex Schwartz, will attend the highly anticipated Biopesticides Europe 2024 conference in Barcelona, Spain, on the 5th and 6th of June. This event is set to bring together industry leaders, researchers, innovators, and stakeholders from around the globe to explore the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in the biopesticide industry.


Naujas darbo pasiūlymas: Lauko techniko pozicija sezoniniam darbui Lietuvoje – LT Vacancy

Naujas darbo pasiūlymas: Lauko techniko pozicija sezoniniam darbui Lietuvoje Įmonė Agrolab, veikianti Skandinavijos ir Baltijos regionuose, suteikia konsultacines ir lauko bandymų paslaugas siekdami padėti įmonėms augalų apsaugos produktų registracijos procese. Mūsų tikslas yra pasirūpinti, jog tiekiamas maistas būtų saugus vartoti ir užaugintas aplinkos netrigdančiomis sąlygomis. Šiuo metu ieškome motyvuoto lauko techniko, kuris prisidėtų prie aukštos […]

Occupied vacancies

Vacancy: HR Business partner eller ambitiøs HR-generalist

Hos Agrolab bliver du en del af et internationalt og dynamisk konsulentmiljø med fokus på at levere produkter af høj kvalitet. Vi har ambitioner om at udvide forretningen. Derfor søger vi dig, som kan være en drivende kraft i opbygning af vores nye HR-funktion med fokus på udvikling of vores medarbejdere og ledere. Du får […]

Occupied vacancies

Press Release: Agrolab kicks off 2024 with strategic management changes

Agrolab A/S is excited to announce that we are kicking off 2024 with a reorganization of our management and implementing new roles to support our future endeavors.

In response to the evolving demands of the industry, Agrolab is presenting some changes to its leadership team. The goal is to ensure focused attention on important areas and align the company with its new strategic direction.

Corporate news

New job opportunity: Field technician in Latvia to support local team

[Read the Latvian version below] Agrolab is the leading private research organization in the EU North zone with field trial stations throughout Scandinavia and the Baltic states. We are conducting field trials in the Northern part of the EU with specialized field trial stations in Denmark, Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania. We are looking for a […]

Occupied vacancies

Seasons Greetings from Agrolab 2023!

Seasons greetings from Agrolab! As we wrap up another great year, we would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who made this year special! Especially our customers, business partners, collaborators and our amazing team! It’s been another year filled with exciting projects. Looking back, we take pride in the year’s successes and […]


What’s new in the Northern Zone guidance v11.1 – Part 1: Environmental fate

The new Northern Zone guidance document, version 11.1, has become applicable from November 2023 and needs to be followed in all new submissions. Some cMS however are asking for national addenda to be compliant with the new version, even if the zonal submission was done before it entered into force.   Below is a summary of […]

Corporate news

New requirements for adjuvants to plant protection products

The Swedish Chemicals Agency, Kemikalieinspektionen, has announced that they will be requiring more information about adjuvants in applications for authorization of plant protection products from January 1, 2024. This will include the complete composition of the adjuvant and proof of its compatibility with the plant protection product. The use of an adjuvant will in the […]

Corporate news

Field technician to support the Danish field trial station of Agrolab A/S

Forsøgstekniker til markafdeling i Agrolab A/S For English see below Agrolab A/S søger en dygtig tekniker til GEP markafdelingen. Afdelingen håndterer mellem 200-250 markforsøg hvert år inden for GEP (Good Experimental Practice), GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), marketing og sortsforsøg. Forsøgene undersøger effekten af sprøjtemidler mod ukrudtsarter, skadedyr og svampesygdomme under realistiske markforhold. Vi dækker forsøg […]

Occupied vacancies

New rules coming for biostimulants in Finland

The requirements for the registration of biostimulants in Finland will change from January 1, 2024.   From that date, microbial-based biostimulants registered through national authorisation must comply with the EU Fertilising Products Regulation 2019/1009 and EU standards.  As an example, only products containing the following 4 microorganisms can be registered:   Azotobacter spp.   Mycorrhizal fungi   Rhizobium spp.   […]
