News & Jobs

December 19, 2024

Insecticide Resistance Monitoring in the Nordic and Baltic Regions: Key Findings and Trends

Agrolab at the Forefront of Nordic-Baltic Collaboration on Pesticide Resistance

At Agrolab, we are proud to play an active role in the Nordic-Baltic collaboration on pesticide resistance research and efficacy evaluation, known as Norbarag. This network unites representatives from research institutes and agrochemical companies across the EU North Zone, driving joint efforts to tackle one of the most pressing challenges in agriculture: pesticide resistance.

Dorte’s Role in Advancing Research
Our own Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Dorte Castberg, has been an integral contributor to Norbarag since 2018, serving as the sub-chair for insecticide resistance. In this role, Dorte compiles annual reports summarizing resistance data collected from participants at the meetings. Her expertise and long-standing relationships within the network, dating back to her involvement as a postdoc starting in 2015, make her a key figure in the collaborative effort to share knowledge and drive solutions.

Agrolab has also contributed directly by previously conducting field trials that have informed Dorte’s analyses. These trials, paired with the insights shared within Norbarag, help create actionable strategies for tackling resistance challenges across the Nordic-Baltic region.

The latest resistance report, prepared by Dorte, is expected to be published on the Norbarag website soon. Below we will present some key findings of the report.

Key findings: Findings of insecticide monitoring in Nordic and Baltics

From 2016 to 2024, the Nordic Baltic Resistance Action Group (NORBARAG), in collaboration with partners like Agrolab, has monitored insecticide susceptibility in pollen beetles and cabbage seed weevils. This eight-year analysis highlights the evolution of resistance patterns and identifies key trends in efficacy for three widely used insecticides: λ-cyhalothrin, τ-fluvalinate, and acetamiprid.

Key Findings for Pollen Beetles:
  • λ-cyhalothrin: Resistance is widespread, but susceptibility shows an encouraging increase in Denmark and Sweden in recent years.
  • τ-fluvalinate: Remains highly effective with >90% mortality rates. However, a temporary drop in susceptibility was observed in 2018.
  • Acetamiprid: Effective in Scandinavia, though early signs of reduced susceptibility emerged in Lithuania, echoing past trends for similar neonicotinoids.
Key Findings for Cabbage Seed Weevils:
  • λ-cyhalothrin: Maintains strong efficacy overall, though a small number of populations showed decreased susceptibility.

If you want to earn more about the findings and their implications for the industry, the full article it is expected to be uploaded to Norbarag's website soon or you can contact Dorte directly and she will happily share the rest of her findings. 

Dorte Højland Castberg 

Regulatory affairs specialist

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