The Danish Pesticide Leaching programme is a yearly monitoring programme, with the objective of evaluating the potential leaching to groundwater of currently registered pesticides and their metabolites in Denmark. In Denmark and Sweden, PLAP data can be used to support the groundwater risk assessment of new plant protection products.
Recent data from PLAP is based on field test of seven pesticides and 41 degradation products between July 2018 and June 20201. Of the compounds tested in this testing period, leaching data only exceeded the 0.1 µg/L threshold for the active propyzamide and the azole metabolite 1,2,4-triazole. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA) has evaluated the new PLAP data and concluded that the yearly average concentrations of the tested compounds are below the regulatory threshold. Therefore, the current registration of pesticides is not changed.
In addition, while DEPA found that the azole metabolite 1,2,4-triazole cannot be attributed to a specific azole, the new PLAP data already has led to a re-evaluation of current azole-based fungicide registrations since spring 2021.
The Regulatory Consulting Department at Agrolab A/S has/offers dedicated Registration Specialists with expertise in groundwater risk assessments in the Northern Regulatory Zone. For more information on this or any other regulatory issues, please contact Sandra Schmidt Jørgensen, Head of Regulatory, Email:, Mob: +45 2751 6275.
1Source: New test of pesticides and degradation products (